Monday, 13 May 2013

Character Development

 So before i started with concepts i made three mood broads that would help me with designing the character and help me get started with the concepts and what direction i wanted the character to go.

I chose to focus on Big Cats because of there bone structure was very appealing. They also show elegance and strength which is what i had in mind when i first thought of a character.

 So secondly i thought about a lion and a lizard hybrid society so i need to make a second mood board. This mood board was really for the feet of the lizard but later on i decided to maybe add more like lizard tails and even scales.

Now i thought of where my character would live or what planet he was from. I was aiming for a lush forest environment but still having that futuristic feel to it like big flashy buildings and ships flying around etc. Also having like a waste land environment just because really also it gives reason for the lizard lion hybrids. I took these images that i thought really portrayed that concept i was going for.

So these are my first concept silhouettes, pretty much just black with white added just to show where the light would hit. From here i chose one that really stood out that i will later put up as one of the final concepts.